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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Emmanuel's Visit Day 1 and 2


This evening Emmanuel arrived in Santa Barbara he was very tired after a three day flight. I was so excited to see him. Every second I got more any more excited, and couldn't wait for the fun we would have for the next 7 days. When he got off the plane he was very hungry so I took him to Free Birds it was delicious he said. He ordered a burrito with beans, rice, cheese, avocado, and meat. I ordered Nachos with the same things on it. Right after that we went home and he fell asleep.


This morning Emmanuel and I went to breakfast at Raynaues Bakery we both ordered chocolate croissants and egg's. It was delicious.

Around 10 I took Emmanuel to Hollister Ranch and taught  him how to surf.
He fell a couple of times but got back up and kept trying. After the the 5th time he rode a wave all the way in. He said "I was just flying."

After surfing we went down town and got some lunch at Natural CafeEmmanuel said they had a lot of the same food there as I do in Africa. After Lunch we went to Mconnel's Ice cream, Emmanuel said "that's amazing." I started laying after he said that.

Next we went back home and relaxed, it was really nice to hang out with him. Later we played some Basketball in my back yard, he killed me the score 28 to 18. For the rest of the day we just played around the house and had a good time.


Mason Dochterman said...

NIce Blog! I loved how you used so many pictures and videos and how you used a lot of links. Next time, you might want to run this through selling and grammar check because there are quite a few mistakes.

Mason Dochterman said...

I loved how much media you had in your blog, and you had some very creative ideas for places to take emmanuel. Overall great job!

Jaime S. said...