Google Earth

Monday, April 16, 2012


I am going to Jordan to meet Iman who I am loaning money to for her store, I am super excited because I've never been there before and I get to experience there culture and the way they live. I am also hearing that it is a very pretty place but also very poor to. I hope I can experience both.

I leave tomorrow morning and just bought my plane ticket on line. Next I went into my room and got my suit case, I packed for six days. While I was packing I thought to my self about Maruge and how amazing it was to be with him and learn about his culture and people.  Now I get to go to a different place and do the same thing or something like it. When I was done packing I got in bed and fell asleep ticking about the great time I am going to have with Iman.

My alarm just went off, its 6:30 and my plane leaves at 8:00. So I got in the shower and woke myself up, it felt really good. After that a got my stuff, put in the back of my car and drove to the airport. On the way there was a a traffic ascendent so I was a running behind a little and got there just in time to get on the plane. I was happy and supper excited to meet Iman. After I got settled I went back to sleep on the plane.

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